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Rodolphe Gintz appointed Director General of Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility (DGITM)

02 January 2024 Appointment
Viewed 194 times

By decree of the Council of Ministers of December 20, 2023, Rodolphe Gintz is appointed Director General of Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility (DGITM), effective January 2, 2024. He replaces Thierry Coquil, who has held this position since 2022. At the head of the Ministry of Transport's main administration, the DGITM is responsible for preparing and implementing national land and river transport policy, in line with the principles of ecological transition.

A graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique (1996) and the Pont des Ponts engineering school, Rodolphe Gintz worked for almost ten years in the Budget Department's transport office (2002-2008), then as deputy director for education, research and innovation (2008-2010) and social protection (2011-2012). Between 2012 and 2017, he was public finance advisor to Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (2012-2014), then to French President François Hollande (2015-2017). From 2017 to 2019, he was Director General of the French Customs and Excise Department (DGDDI).

In 2019, Rodolphe Gintz joined the Inspectorate General of Finance as Inspector General. In this capacity, he is responsible for drafting reports on the merger of FIVA and ONIAM (February 2021), on rail travel facilities (July 2021), on the assessment of the DGFiP's objectives and performance contract for 2020 to 2022 (September 2022) and on theevaluation of "social niches" (March 2023). He is also the interministerial coordinator in charge of Brexit following the entry into force of the exit agreement (2021) and the director of the Covid interministerial crisis center between 2021 and 2022. In 2023, he also joined the Inspectorate General of Finance, at the rank of Inspector General.

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